Automotive Compressors in Car Air Conditioning Systems
In working in any industry that requires a compressor, you must understand the type and function of the compressor. This is a big challenge for most engineers. Especially if you do not have all the information about compressors and have no experience using compressors in a job. Because of the many types of compressors that exist in [...]
Function of Compressor use in Refrigerator
Compressors are high-quality machine components that are currently widely used in almost all industries, such as manufacturing etc. With compressors, energy use will be more economical. With a simple design and suitable for all construction work applications. The new design of the compressor designed for the needs of this refrigerator (refrigerator) by using a balance system [...].
Function of Soil Compacting Machine on Soil or Paving
Soil is the place where we can stand as long as we live. Not only that, the existence of asphalt or concrete paving on the roads we pass is because it is located on the ground. In construction work, one of the jobs that is often done is the work of turning soil into a solid and solid foundation is very important. Therefore, in the process [...]
History of Air Compressor use in vehicles
You can now also utilize the Sun as a new source of energy for driving. The energy derived from sunlight will be used to charge the battery. The utilization of Air Compressor as one of the driving machines of other pneumatic machines has been in use since the 19th century. Where in the 19th century, air compressors were used to drive locomotives in mining and tram [...]
Air Dryer function in cooling and air drying process
The reason that must be considered when selecting the type of air dryer is the dry temperature level required in the condensation process. This is because in the dryer system, the required temperature point is under pressure, the dew point of pressure determines the level of dryness. Wherever we are and in any condition, of course we will not be able to avoid the presence of air humidity. That is, [...]
Utilizing the role of Concrete Scarifier on Construction Projects
There are several advantages that we get when we use the concrete scarifying method in the process of removing concrete surface forms in building construction. Scarifying concrete method is a faster method, because the process does not require much cleaning. In facilitating all construction work, both in large and small projects, the need for machinery is always a priority to complete. The process of working [...]
Use of Concrete Pumping in construction project areas
Concrete Pumping is one of the latest technology machines to help the infrastructure development process. With the rapid development of technology, it will trigger the growth of other industries. Indonesia is one of the countries that is still in the process of moving towards a developed country. For this reason, it is not surprising that in the last 5 years the data on infrastructure development in Indonesia continues [...]
Straightening Machine function in Smart City application
Smart City is a modern project that thrives on infrastructure. There is a lot of involvement of more sophisticated construction machinery in the construction of Smart City. The many steps of work involved in infrastructure projects, force a contractor or engineer to also understand the needs of each client in realizing a building structure. Infrastructure work does not only apply to new buildings, [...]
Mechanism of use of Automatic PVC Pipe Cutting Machine
Automatic PVC Pipe Cutting Machine is equipment and supplies in iron cutting. With this machine will provide a high production rate compared to manual production rates. Tools and equipment in iron cutting is a very important and mandatory tool in the construction industry. Why is that? Because in carrying out the construction work process, an engineer [...]
Use of Pumping Concrete in Construction projects
Concrete pumping is used in various construction applications, such as high-rise buildings. With concrete pumping we can pump large amounts of concrete as fast as a truck mixer to produce concrete. Pumping is one of the activities that we commonly find in everyday life around us. Like pumping tires, whether bicycle, motorcycle or car tires. Some of these are light work pumping, [...]
Get to know the Chain Block Function Category according to its Design
Chain block, also known as chain hoist, is a technology developed in the construction world. a mechanism designed to move heavy loads vertically or horizontally. What is a Chain Block? Chain block, also known as chain hoist, is a technology developed in the world of construction. It is [...]
Understanding Pipe Thread Machine
The use of machinery is one part of the process of running the manufacturing industry which will involve various material and other equipment. In construction work that we know and know that in the process it will always be related to the world of carpentry and heavy equipment, where anyone who approaches it must be extra careful. Make sure you understand and apply Occupational Health, Safety [...]
Use of Portable Diesel Compressors in the drilling process
The role of compressors in the offshore oil and gas drilling industry. The role of portable diesel air compressors is specifically designed for drilling needs. Portable air compressors are essential for many jobs and are widely used in the construction, automotive and manufacturing industries. These compressors are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be driven in a variety of ways [...]
The role of the compressor in the drilling process
The compressor is specifically used for the drilling or mining process. In drilling, there will be an air compression process for onshore and offshore drilling. Are there compressors specifically used for the drilling or mining process? There are many types of compressors that we must recognize the name and function. Of course, it will make you required to understand how the application of compressors in life [...]
The role of compressors in buildings or offices and public services
The existence of compressors in almost every company is needed for air savings. Compressors are often found in various industries such as car or motorcycle repair shops, office buildings, hospitals, and other types of facilities. The thing that needs to be known is that this compressor will stabilize the air conditions in the room. By controlling inefficiencies (excessive air usage) that [...]
Safety First in Rebar Process
Iron rebar is a mandatory tool added to form a frame in reinforced concrete. The construction structure mixes stone or brick material and cement to strengthen and help the concrete under tension. Rebar in iron or reinforcement serves to increase the tensile strength of concrete, because the nature of concrete is very weak in tension, but strong in compression. Steel is only used as [...]
Using Electric Pump Grouting in Construction
The continuous development of the technological era has now enabled geotechnical engineering to be at its highest with machine grouting technology. The advancement in this technology is growing very fast and significantly with the patenting of more innovative methods. In the Manufacturing Machinery Industry, the reliability and strength of the production machinery is a major factor that is very important for the smooth running of construction projects. It is also very [...]
The role of Air Compressors in the world of Low Carbon Construction
Compressed air (CA) systems have a significant impact on the energy consumption and efficiency of manufacturing systems. Compressors of any type will be able to help make energy use efficiency more dynamic. There are many human activities on this earth. This indicates that life is getting better day by day. The traces of these many human activities will continue [...]
Get to know the function of the drying oven machine and its use
The use of welding machines can be applied to the manufacture of security protection fences, etc. Welding is a fabrication process that combines metal or thermoplastic materials. Oven or dryer machine in the world of construction will still have meaning as heating or drying by heating method with a tool or machine. It's just that in this case, the type of material that will be heated [...]
Plaster Technique using Trowel Machine
Trowels are an essential piece of equipment in helping the concrete finishing process, especially on walls or floors. Trowel machines will continue to be needed for various construction activities. The construction of many buildings, houses, public service places is one of the basic basic needs for all living humans. In the era of free economy, almost all over the world have massive development targets. Because [...]