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The role of compressors in buildings or offices and public services

The role of compressors in buildings or offices and public services

Existence compressor in almost every company is needed for air savings.

Compressors are found in many industries such as car or motorcycle repair shops, office buildings, hospitals, and other types of facilities.

It is important to know that this compressor will stabilize the air conditions in the room. By controlling unnecessary inefficiencies (excessive use of air), high energy consumption can be reduced. This article aims to provide an analysis of the energy and exergy (useful work potential) of the compressor. air compressor for various industries. (Nourin Farah, 2021 "Energy, Exergy, and Emission Analysis on Industrial Air Compressors. J. Energy Resour. Technol, APRIL 2022, Vol. 144 / 042104-1)
In Industry, compressors are often referred to as a utility that is very important in the operation of an industry, which is known to consume large amounts of energy. So, to be able to ensure it maximizes air efficiency, compressors are a priority in today's industry in determining better product quality, increasing productivity, and saving energy.
Before proceeding further, you need to understand that compressed air is ordinary air (which we breathe every day along with millions of people where you live) whose volume can be reduced with the help of an air compressor. Because in everyday life, compressed air is used extensively throughout the manufacturing industry and is often thought of as "fourth utility" (the 4th necessity of every human being) in many facilities. Almost every industrial plant, from small machine shops to very large pulp and paper mills, has some type of compressed air system. (U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. "Improving Compressed Air System Performance: A Sourcebook For Industry". Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Pg.3)
In most advanced industries, of course, the need for compressors will continue to increase, because of the increasingly fierce competition for air usage. But please note, as for the effects of continuous compressor use, it will certainly use more electricity than other types of equipment.
So that inefficiencies in compressed air systems can occur significantly. 
As for the energy cost during the period of compressor use, in the research journal of the International Scientific Committee of the 21st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering in the person of the Conference Chair Prof. Terje K. Lien, the average use of electricity to be able to contribute to the compressor is more than 75% of the overall cost during the life cycle as shown in Fig. 1. and Fig. 2 which has claimed that improving the energy efficiency of CA systems can result in energy savings of 20-50%. On the other hand, electricity prices have steadily increased over the past three decades. For example, electricity prices in Australia for the business sector have doubled between 1981 and 2011. (Mousavi Smaeil, et al. 2014." Energy Efficiency of Compressed Air Systems". CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Pg.314)


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