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Pisau/bilah Tungsten Carbide terkenal karena tajam dan tahan lama. Pisau ini dapat digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri yang membutuhkan instrumen pemotongan yang sangat tajam. Pisau karbida sangat cocok untuk memotong bahan reflektif untuk plotting dan pembuatan tanda. Pisau silet industri berkualitas tinggi yang terbuat dari tungsten karbida padat, dan disesuaikan untuk digunakan dalam pembuatan plastik.

Bilahnya adalah bilah baja tungsten integral yang terutama digunakan untuk kotak kado dan slotting kardus. Ini terdiri dari dua bagian kiri dan kanan, dan kedua bagian tersebut digabungkan menjadi sepasang bilah.

Salah satu pilihan goggle paling ekonomis yang tersedia, kacamata pelindung ini menawarkan ventilasi anti-kabut langsung, tali elastis yang dapat diatur, dan konstruksi polikarbonat dengan cakupan di atas kaca. Kacamata pelindung benturan di dalam atau di luar ruangan.

Kacamata pelindung benturan adalah pilihan yang dapat diandalkan dan ekonomis yang menawarkan lensa polikarbonat yang kokoh, tali elastis yang dapat disesuaikan, dan bukaan lebar agar sesuai dengan kacamata resep. Dibuat dengan sistem ventilasi langsung yang mengalirkan udara dan membantu meminimalkan pengabutan, memungkinkan untuk digunakan di berbagai lingkungan dan kondisi. Lensa bening. Lensa polikarbonat menyerap 99,9% UV. Lensa polikarbonat menyerap 99,9% UV. Lensa polikarbonat memenuhi Persyaratan Dampak Tinggi .Lensa polikarbonat; 10 kacamata pengaman per kotak.

Kacamata safety bening berguna sebagai pelindung dari debu atau kotoran di lapangan dan workshop maupun di laboratorium
Perlindungan menyeluruh tanpa mengganggu penglihatan
Tahan akan benturan keras
Lensa kaca berbahan polycarbonate sehingga mampu melindungi mata dari pecahan material

Kacamata Safety Las Hitam berguna sebagai pelindung ketika las, hitam pekat sehingga aman buat mata ketika las


Berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kabel las dengan mesin trafo las (mesin inventer)
Diipasang dengan kabel las ukuran 35-50mm maupun untuk ukuran 50-70mm

Why should you shop at PT. FUTURESTAR INDONESIA?
1. We are FIRST HAND IMPORTERS, so our prices are very competitive.
2. Customers can COME to our store if they want to see the product in person.
3. Serving orders in LARGE / GROWING AMOUNTS

CG2-11C (Alat berat Pemotongan Gas Magnetik untuk pipa)
Tegangan Input: AC220V
Diameter pipa: >∮108
Ketebalan Pemotongan: 5-50mm
Kecepatan Pemotongan: 50-750m/mnt
Daya penyerapan magnetik: >50KGS
Berat: 23,5KGS

Product Description
Digunakan terutama di pembuatan kapal, perminyakan, metalurgi, logam, dan pabrik-pabrik lain, sesuai untuk pembuatan kapal, minyak bumi, metalurgi, struktur logam, dan pabrik-pabrik lain, serta sesuai untuk perusahaan-perusahaan besar, menengah dan kecil untuk memotong plat baja.
Alat berat pemotongan api semi-otomatis baja karbon terbuat dari material ingot aluminium berkekuatan tinggi dan die-casting.
1. Bodi mesin pemotong semi-otomatis CG1-30 terbuat dari material aluminium berkekuatan tinggi dan cetakan mati yang presisi;
2. Senter plasma opsional untuk memotong baja antikarat dan logam tanpa kandungan besi;
3. Sistem kontrol kecepatan mengadopsi antena thistristor untuk kontrol kecepatan;
4. Dilengkapi dengan antarmuka baris mulai busur plasma, sehingga dapat mengontrol memulai busur plasma;
5. Kecepatan berlari adalah 3-4 kali lebih troli biasa, yang memenuhi kebutuhan piring tipis plasma;
6. Mesin pemotong api melingkar digunakan terutama untuk pemotongan linear, dan dapat digunakan untuk pemotongan melingkar yang lebih besar dari Φ200mm;
7. Mesin pemotong semi-otomatis menggunakan oksigen tekanan sedang (atau propana) dan tekanan tinggi. Alat berat pemotong gas multi-guna terutama digunakan untuk pemotongan pelat baja secara lurus dengan ketebalan lebih dari 5 mm, dan juga dapat digunakan untuk pemotongan melingkar, pemotongan bevel, dan pemotongan garis V. Secara umum, proses pemotongan tidak dapat dilaksanakan setelah pemotongan.

Product Description
1.Keterangan produk
Mendukung pemotongan plasma dan pemotongan gas, dapat memotong suatu grafik datar yang kompleks. Alat berat ini merupakan alat berat terbaru seperti senter, alat berat pemotongan semi-otomatis, dan alat berat pemotongan profil, khususnya sesuai untuk produksi massal grafis kompleks dengan kebutuhan tinggi pada presisi. Sistem ini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pemotongan, mengurangi biaya pemrosesan dan produksi sekunder.
Rentang pemotongan efektif (sumbu X*Y) 1500x7500mm
Pengalihan secara gratis dalam bahasa Inggris, Rusia, Prancis, Portugis, Spanyol, dll. untuk sistem kontrol CNC.
Menyimpan lebih dari 1000 file program yang akan dipotong.
Dapat memotong grafik rata yang kompleks
3.fitur dan keunggulan
Suku cadang utama yang tahan lama menggunakan merek ternama
Kinerja berkualitas, presisi, dan efisien
Sistem Portabel, volume kecil dengan berat ringan, mudah dipindahkan, tidak menempati ruang tetap

1. Alat berat menggunakan pengatur SCR dan dua kecepatan variabel mekanis, sehingga kecepatan berlari mulus.
2. Bagian bawah dari gelap dengan roller, mudah untuk bergerak.
3. Mesin menggunakan distributor gas putar, sehingga selang tidak digulung selama bekerja.
4. Alat berat ini profesional untuk memotong komponen bundar, lubang bulat, flensa, dll.
5. Voltase masukan: AC220V/50Hz
6. Rentang ketebalan potongan: 5-50mm7. Kisaran kecepatan senter: 0.2-6rpm
8. Berat: 53kg (CG2-600)/53KG (CG2-1000)/55kg (CG2-1000A).
9. CG2-1000A memiliki double pemotongan senter dapat memotong bagian dalam dan di luar lingkaran flensa dalam satu waktu, yang meningkatkan efisiensi produksi
10. CG2-1000A, diameter luar 200-1000mm, diameter dalam 100-500mm

Penggunaan Utama :
● Galangan kapal.
● Pengolahan logam.
● Konstruksi baja.
Keunggulan :
● Gas cutting mesin adalah pemotong bentuk gas yang dirancang dengan mutu tinggi dan kuat untuk akurasi dan kualitas produksi yang lebih tinggi.
● Ringkas dan mudah dioperasikan,secara terus menerus menghasilkan pemotongan presisi yang sama dengan mengikuti templat baja.
● Roller magnet yang kuat dengan lancar memandu cutting torch untuk bentuk apa pun.

Pressure 8 BAR

Why should you shop at PT. FUTURESTAR INDONESIA?
1. We are FIRST HAND IMPORTERS, so our prices are very competitive.
2. Customers can COME to our store if they want to see the product in person.
3. Serving orders in LARGE / GROWING AMOUNTS

100% Polyester fabric
Low naskh
Each strip is equivalent to 1 ton capacity
Colors: Violet, Green, Yellow, Grey, Red, Brown, Blue, etc. As standard or mandatory.
WLL: From 1Ton to 20Ton or up

Eye-eye webbing slings are made from one 100 layer or two layer soundproof polyester with reinforced eye holes. This garment can be made from one layer to four layers,

Which we usually call web simplex sling, duplex webling, triplex sling and quadralex. And the eyes can be made into flat eyes, twisted eyes, and inverted back eyes.

These chain link slings are versatile as they can be used on select, vertical, or hitch. polyester clothing is low weight, so it is able to better hold the load without any surprising risks.

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Lightweight And High Strength: Our lifting slings are made from 95% polypropylene and 5% polyester, ensuring sturdy construction without adding extra weight
Corrosion Resistance: With reinforced casings, our sling cranes are designed to resist corrosion, making them suitable for use in a variety of environments
Good Flexibility: Our slings offer good flexibility, allowing easy handling during loading and unloading operations.
With Reinforced Sheath: The reinforced sheath on our slings provides added durability, ensuring long-lasting performance and safe lifting
Reliable and Efficient: Our slings are designed to provide reliable lifting support, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications

Adjustable base socket is also called Fasting screw socket, scaffolding socket,
leveling jack, base jack or basic jack, etc. Consists of a base plate, a
threaded tubes and nuts. Surface treatments' include hot dip galvani-
zation and electro-galvanization. Customizable base jacks are used as
foundation for scaffolding. The height can be adjusted, so it can adapt
uneven construction surface and ensure the whole scaffolding system
stay level. Adjustable base jack is compatible with all Lau
SKK Lili bag system, Kwikstage system, Bu Frame Cuplock system

Product Description
Solid filament polypropylene (MFP) has a somewhat velvascular look and feel. It is constructed from various bundles of fibers that interlock in a circular braided pattern. referring to the construction of a special locking circuit. It is a floating rope and is resistant to water and unaffected by water, oil, gasoline and chemicals.availle with color.kermantle rope, this kermantle rope is suitable for use when working at heights, climbing, hiking, caving, abseiling, and others.

Excluding blades, sold separately.
For sizes 12″- 16″

Best Quality Tools Practical, Strong and Durable
Voltage: 380V
Speed: 2900r/min
Frequency: 50Hz
Current: 6.8 A
Weight: 50 kg

Blade exit height
300mm = 50mm blade
350mm = 80mm blade
400mm = 110mm blade

Power: 3KW. 3PHASE
Table Size: 69x49x70cm

Link blade

Excluding blades, sold separately.
For sizes 12″- 16″

Best Quality Tools Practical, Strong and Durable
Voltage: 380V
Speed: 2900r/min
Frequency: 50Hz
Current: 6.8 A
Weight: 50 kg

Blade exit height
300mm = 50mm blade
350mm = 80mm blade
400mm = 110mm blade

Power: 3KW. 3PHASE
Table Size: 69x49x70cm

Link blade

Power 7.5KW
Blade diameter: 400 - 700mm
Electrical 380V (3 PHASE)
Water tank size: 35 - 45L
Depth of cut: 150 - 250mm


Why should you shop at PT. FUTURESTAR INDONESIA?
1. We are FIRST HAND IMPORTERS, so our prices are very competitive.
2. Customers can COME to our store if they want to see the product in person.
3. Serving orders in LARGE / GROWING AMOUNTS

SPEED: 1435r/MIN

SPEED: 1440r/MIN

SPEED: 1440r/MIN

1. There must be no high-voltage lines in the pile driver operation area. The operation area should be clearly marked or fenced and unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter. The operator shall monitor the pile hammer during the piling process at a distance of 5 m from the center of the hammer.
2. The diesel piling hammer shall use fuel with the specified mixing ratio, and the fuel tank shall be filled and the drain valve shall be opened before operation.
3. Before operation, the air screw should be opened to exhaust the air in the oil circuit, and the fuel pump should be checked and tested, and the fuel injection should be observed from the cleaning hole.
4. Before operation, the upper piston should be lifted slightly above the upper cylinder by means of a landing gear, and the oil plug of the oil storage chamber should be opened and filled with lubricating oil according to regulations.
5. For the newly opened pile hammer, 0.5L lubricating oil should be poured along the upper piston one week in advance, and a certain amount of lubricating oil should be added to the lower piston with an oil gun.
6. All fastening bolts must be checked.
7. After lifting the pile hammer out of the anvil, its slide length should not exceed 200mm, if it exceeds, the buckle of the pile cover rope should be adjusted.
8. the wear gap of the guide plate should be checked, and it should be replaced if the gap exceeds 7mm.
9. should check the buffer pad, when the anvil seat and rubber pad contact surface is less than 2/3 of the original area, or under the cylinder flange and anvil seat gap is less than 7mm, should replace the rubber pad.
10. For water-cooled pile hammers, the water tank must be filled with water.
11. Before starting pile hammering, the hammer, pile cap and pile should be on the same axis, and the pile should not be moved eccentrically.
12. When starting pile hammer in soft soil layer with large pile penetration, the throttle should be closed first for cold blows, then open the throttle to start pile hammer when the penetration of each blow is less than 100mm.
13. After the piles are inserted, the verticality of the piles should be corrected in time.
14. In piling, the jump height of the upper piston must not exceed that specified in the instruction manual.
15. When the upper piston falls and the diesel hammer does not start, the upper piston may have a short bumpy period, at this time the landing gear should not fall, and should prevent it from hitting the touch block.
16. During the stacking process, there should be a person responsible for pulling the control rope on the crank arm.
17. When the upper piston is disengaged from the starting hook, the landing gear should continue to be lifted, and it is desirable to make it reach or exceed a distance of 2 m from the upper cylinder.
18. During operation, the focus should be on whether the upper piston lubricating oil leaks out of the oil hole.
19. During operation, when the impact energy of the pile hammer reaches the energy, the hammer penetration value ***10 shall not be less than 5mm.
20. The packing in the pile cap shall not be skewed and the center of the pile cap shall be hammered during operation.

Permanent Magnet Lifter is an ideal tool for lifting objects.
heavy materials such as iron plates easily, quickly and economically.
Capacity: 1000kg

Capacity: 400kg
dimensions 15.5 x 9 x 9.5 cm
Actual weight of product 11KG

Capacity: 600kg
Dimensions 21 x 10.5 x 12cm

Why should you shop at PT. FUTURESTAR INDONESIA?
1. We are FIRST HAND IMPORTERS, so our prices are very competitive.
2. Customers can COME to our store if they want to see the product in person.
3. Serving orders in LARGE / GROWING AMOUNTS

futurestar is a professional lifting magnet supplier with more than 10 years export experience. We can provide PML series heavy duty lifting magnet from rated capacity 100kg to 6000kg. Customers can choose 3 times or 3.5 times safety factor according to the actual use situation.

Production Capacity: 5-6m3
Max Conveying Distance: Horizontal 200m, Vertical 50m
Applicable Material Ratio: cement/sand = 1: 3-5
Water Cement Ratio: <0.4
Aggregate Diameter: <20
Delivery Pipe Inner Diameter: 51
Rotor Body Diameter: 440mm
Power 5.5Kw
Weight: 700 KG

Maximum delivery distance: Flat 30M, top 20M
The largest aggregate size: 15mm
Air consumption: 10 - 15m3/min
Voltage: 380V
Production capacity: 5 - 7 m3/h
Bone particle diameter: 64mm/51mm
Pressure: 4 - 6.0 Mpa
Power: 6 - 7.5KW
Dimensions: 220 x 930 x 1180mm

Why should you shop at PT. FUTURESTAR INDONESIA?
1. We are FIRST HAND IMPORTERS, so our prices are very competitive.
2. Customers can COME to our store if they want to see the product in person.
3. Serving orders in LARGE / GROWING AMOUNTS

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