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Energy saving solution with Compressor utilization

Energy saving solution with Compressor utilization

One of the reasons almost all industries have started using compressors is because compressors are considered a resource.

In addition, compressors are very suitable and more flexible to use in supporting any work, especially for the production process.

Compressors are now considered a versatile machine that can be an alternative to other equipment (other pneumatics). In motorized vehicles, compressors are needed in assisting maintenance and the need to replace some motor components.
Air compressors are one of the motorized systems that are widely applied in various industries in the world. This is because in general, electricity consumption is the highest among industrial motor systems. And this will continue to happen on the compressed air system side continuously.
In many case studies in the field, solutions using compressors can be combined synergistically. For example, several things can be done to reduce the supply pressure. In this process, it can be paired with utilizing energy for expansion. By using a compressor, you can also increase the back pressure to reduce air consumption when the volume is off.
This shows that a comprehensive and integrated approach by using various strategies together can be a more appropriate and efficient solution in pneumatic system optimization.
Thus, given the high energy, it will require high energy consumption as well. Meanwhile, compressed air systems are a priority among efforts to improve energy efficiency. Energy saving opportunities range from low-cost/free ones to long-term investment projects for compressed air systems. User industries can choose their preferred energy-saving measures from among these energy-saving opportunities, depending on their targeted economic criteria and budget availability.
The use of air compressor systems is one of the most significant energy saving solutions in mines. There are many previous studies regarding the use of air compressors as electrical energy producers in mines.
The existence of Air Compressor also utilized in mining industry or mining. The system used by air compressor design in mining, namely stand alone systems or compressed air rings.
Air compressor system design in the mining industry, namely a stand-alone system consisting of one or more compressors supplying one mining shaft. Some of the air compressors are placed on the ground or at compressor stations.
The compressed air consists of several compressors, which are connected to several shafts. The compressors form the supply of compressed air system and are collectively referred to as the compressor system.


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