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The paid plan, called ChatGPT Plus #9

The paid plan, called ChatGPT Plus, comes two months after the tool was released publicly and quickly went viral, thanks to its ability to generate shockingly convincing essays in response to user prompts.

Many people who wanted to test the tool have been locked out or joined the waitlist. Now, anyone who signs up for a subscription will benefit from faster response times, and priority access to new features and improvements.

The tool will remain free for the general public, however.

“We love our free users and will continue to offer free access to ChatGPT,” the company said in a blog post. “By offering this subscription pricing, we will be able to help support free access availability to as many people as possible.”

ChatGPT Plus will be made available first in the United States and other countries soon after, according to the company. OpenAI said it will begin inviting people from its waitlist in the weeks ahead. The company also said it is “actively exploring options for lower-cost plans, business plans, and data packs for more availability.”


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